"After having an unplanned c-section, I had my son successfully latched right away so I was very optimistic leaving the hospital. After arriving home, my milk was delayed coming in because of the c-section and pain medication I was taking. Couple that with my son taking a liking to dozing off while breastfeeding, he was not getting back to his birth weight as quick as our pediatrician was hoping. I connected with the Lactation Consultant at the pediatrician's office and she was helpful in making sure latch was correct, giving me tips on how to keep him awake while feeding, and texting me words of encouragement along the way. My son made his way back to his birth weight shortly after and that felt like a huge accomplishment! It's amazing what our bodies can do. I wanted to breastfeed my son for the health benefits, but also to strengthen our connection. I can't say it was always easy. It was stressful wondering if he was getting enough food while I was navigating major physical and emotional changes, but I am glad I connected with the Lactation Consultant and continued to breastfeed for as a long as I could. My goal from the very beginning was to give it my best shot and make the best decisions for my baby and me. I did that and am very proud!"