"I had the pleasure of breastfeeding all 3 of the beauties I birthed and it was a unique journey with each one. I will say that one common theme was not really receiving much guidance or support from medical providers. I may have been asked which feeding method I had planned but that was the extent of the conversation. Most of my information came from my own research, as I also knew very few people who were breastfeeding at the time. I firmly believed that it was the healthiest thing for my children and it also saved me from the heavy expense of formula. The hardest thing about it was working outside of the home and keeping up with a sufficient pumping regimen to ensure that they always had a enough breastmilk when they were away from me. Pumping in not so exciting places, such as bathrooms, my car and other peoples offices was also hard and often led t me feeling guilty about missing work or planning to feed my baby milk pumped in a bathroom stall. Despite this, I have no regrets and it was the best journey for all of my children. I’m so glad I was able to give the. That gift for the first 12 months of their lives. I only wish I could’ve given more and done it longer. I often tell new moms to create their own journey, their own breastfeeding story and don’t focus on how good or bad it was for someone else. Breastfeeding is one of the intimate experiences you’ll ever have, embrace the journey, all of it."